Farmington Pre-K Frequently Asked Questions
How many Pre-K classes will there be during the 25-26 school year?
This year our program will serve up to 75 students through four classrooms.
Who is eligible to participate in Pre-K?
Eligible students should reside in the Farmington School District and be 4 years of age on or before August 1, 2025. Those out of district may apply and be accepted if space allows.
When is registration/enrollment?
Online registration opens on April 1st. Parents should complete step one online. In-person registration/document collection will be held at our center on April 3 from 9:00 - 2:00. Parents are encouraged to come by that day to complete and submit needed paperwork. If a parent cannot bring them on April 3rd, documents may be uploaded online during step two, or emailed to the director at adooly@farmcards.org. Enrollment space is limited and those selected for enrollment will be notified within one week of submission. Enrollment will not be complete until all required documentation is received.
What documentation is required for registration/ enrollment?
Families will need the following documentation to complete enrollment.
Student's Birth Certificate
Student's Social Security Card
2 Proofs of Residency or school choice application, if out of district
Current Immunization Record
Copy of 4 year old physical or verification of scheduled appointment
Proof of income (IF applying for an income based ABC funded spot)
Only 30 ABC spots are available, so those wishing to apply for a spot should have all documentation submitted on or by April 3.
What will be the cost?
This school year, tuition will be $170/week or $680/month. Daily breakfast and snack will be provided at no additional charge.
We will also have a very limited number of ABC funded spots for families who meet income requirements. Proof of income (2024 W2, 2 most recent check stubs, income tax forms, etc) will be required and should be submitted at registration.
Where is the Pre-K located?
The Farmington Pre-K Center is located at 8 N. Double Springs Road.
What will the Pre-K schedule look like?
Pre-K will closely follow the same school calendar as the other schools in the district. A calendar and schedule will be included in the 25/26 Parent Handbook.
Morning drop off will be from 7:30-8:00 and afternoon pick up will be from 3:00-3:30.
Our daily instructional schedule will be from 8:00-3:00.
Parents will receive a detailed daily schedule at Open House.
Will Pre-K students be able to ride the bus to and from school?
At this time, we will not be providing transportation for Pre-K. All students must be
dropped off and picked up daily.
Parents will be required to sign students in and out each school day via the myKidzday app.
Will Pre-K students eat breakfast and lunch at school?
Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided at school.
While breakfast and snack fees are covered, lunch is $2.70/day.
Students may be eligible for free or reduced lunch prices and can apply by filling out a Free/Reduced Lunch form found at the link listed below, after July.
Students may also bring their lunches from home.
Will after-school care be offered for Pre-K students?
We are excited that Farmington School District will be offering an after school program for Pre-K students again during the 25-26 school year. More information can be obtained at afterschoolprog.com or by contacting the director at adooly@farmcards.org or 479-317-1809.
What makes FPK so special?
We are a Pre-K Center for 4 year olds. We focus on preparing students for kindergarten, academically, socially and emotionally.
Our students enjoy a center/play-based schedule, along with an AR Department of Education supported curriculum. We focus on early reading skills by utilizing Launchpad, Arkansas' Pre-K Science of Reading program. Math skills are explored through CLAM, Connected Literacy and Math, which connects a story of the week with a specific math topic. Weekly units focus on age appropriate, high interest topics and are typically connected to science or social studies. For instance, in October, we spend 1-2 weeks learning all about pumpkins. We connect math, art, music, science, play centers and even phonological awareness to pumpkins and the harvest.
Students have two 30 minute outside play times and a 90 minute rest time each day. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are also served daily. We spotlight one character word a month and believe in promoting student's confidence through connections and positive reinforcement.
We also love parental/family involvement activities. Along with a fall and spring parent/teacher conference, and two fun field trips, last year we hosted Pumpkin Painting with Parents in October, Pastries and Parties with Parents in December, a Valentine's Day Party in February, Grandparent's Day in May, and ended with a Moving Up Ceremony and reception on our last day of school. We also have several fun dress up themed days throughout the year.
Most of all, we are committed to our motto: Farmington Pre-K, A Family of Friends. We truly become a little family who learn, play and care about one another. All of our teachers are licensed/certified and are assisted by loving and talented classroom teaching assistants/ paraprofessionals.
If you'd like to come visit our center sometime, we'd be happy to meet you for a tour. We'd also encourage you to check out our Facebook page for lots of highlights from the year.
We are excited about your interest in Farmington Pre-K and welcome your questions.
Feel free to message our Director, Mrs. Dooly, at adooly@farmcards.org