Next School Year New Student Registration Information

Before submitting your New Student Registration. Use the Find My School District link in the Menu to check your address to see if it is in our district. Also Find your Elementary School (Grades K-3) by using the link Elementary School Zones.


Enrollment information is needed by our district in order to make important decisions regarding staffing at our schools. Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) class-size standards limit the number of children in a classroom for each teacher based on the grade-level of students. Preschool and Kindergarten classrooms are limited to 20 or fewer students. Classrooms of students in Grades 1-3 are limited to 25 students. Classes of students in Grades 4-6 are limited to 28.  Because of this, we ask that you promptly and accurately fill out this enrollment information. Decisions regarding where children attend will be made as soon as possible and are based on seat availability. Transportation for students displaced from their home school due to over enrollment will be provided district transportation.