Congratulations to Farmington Schools and specifically Williams Elementary for being recognized as a "School on the Move" Elementary by DESE. The Schools on the Move campaign celebrates schools that demonstrate improvement on recent state and federal accountability reports. Williams Elementary increased its Weighted Achievement score for 2022 by 17.95 points! The school Value Added Growth score is an average of students’ growth scores which are based on each individual student’s growth toward his/her expectation (as calculated from the previous history of achievement and the current assessment). Schools that report a growth score of 80 are schools where students, on average, are growing in their learning. Schools that report a growth score above 80, particularly those that are one or two standard deviations above the mean, should be recognized for accelerating student learning. "The number one factor that increases student achievement is collective teacher efficacy. Our staff and leadership at Williams deserve to be recognized for ensuring every student is learning. They believe all students can learn and will learn at high levels. We are proud of the growth our students displayed during a challenging time," stated Superintendent Jon Laffoon.
We salute the staff and students for their continued work toward academic excellence! #ESED #ARStudentFocused #ARSchoolsOnTheMove