Our Jr Boys Cross Country Team won 1st place at the Panther Relays yesterday in Siloam Springs! #ESED #CardinalNation

Please review & provide feedback on the district’s American Rescue Plan & Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Plan. We hope to gain public comment as to how these funds can be best utilized for Farmington School District. https://www.farmcards.org/page/arp-esser

Kelly Education -Our partner for substitute talent- offers free training and steady work or flexible schedule options. This is an opportunity to do work you can feel good about within your own community! Click https://bit.ly/3ynbbah to be a substitute at Farmington Schools! #ESED

Today is hat day and these Folsom students are enjoying their hats from the Naturals game last night!

September 24 will be a blended learning day for students. Students may work from home virtually or attend in person (1:00 pm early dismissal). Please visit the link below to let us know if you plan to attend virtually or in-person on September 24. bit.ly/blendedfsd

Farmington 9th Grade Volleyball defeats Harrison tonight at Cardinal Arena! The Sr High team fell to the Goblins 3-1. #ESED #CardinalNation

Farmington 7th and 8th Football drop two games at Bentonville Washington tonight. #ESED #CardinalNation

Mrs. Davis 2nd grade class working on word study.

Farmington Tennis dominates Prairie Grove today 6-1 on the road! #ESED #CardinalNation

Volleyball Fans- If you can't make it to Cardinal Arena tonight to watch the action vs Harrison, you can watch it online! The 9th grade and JV matches will be streamed at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/farmington-high-school-farmington-ar. The varsity match will be at www.farmcardsathletics.org! #CardinalNation

We LOVE our teachers and our partnership with Arvest! Arvest Bank will honor educators with their annual “We Love Teachers” campaign.
Please nominate a Farmington Teacher who has made a positive impact to receive one of the $500 prizes! Go to the Arvest Facebook page, then select the link in the post to complete a nomination form. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit #WeLoveTeachers

Staff at Pop Williams Elementary greeting students in the cafeteria this morning! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events- Thursday 9-16-21. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Athletics would like to send special thanks to our Legacy Sponsor in Cardinal Stadium, Baumann & Crosno! Their sponsorship and support for the students of Farmington is very much appreciated! #ESED #CardinalNation

Football Fans- Farmington Touchdown Club is back next week! This event will be held at Damons BBQ on Wed, Sept 22nd at 11:30PM. Players of the week from the PG and Springdale game will be recognized! If you plan on coming please preorder at https://tinyurl.com/2544ac94. #ESED

Mascot Media is the official sports network of Farmington Athletics! Download the app or visit us at www.farmcardsathletics.org to stay up to date! #ESED #CardinalNation

Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events- Wednesday 9-15-21. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

This week is National Arts in Education Week! Here is a mural that was painted this summer by Farmington Jr High students that is now displayed at the Fayetteville Public Library! #BecauseOfArtsEd #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

It was a clean sweep tonight as 7thA, 7thB, and 8th Grade Volleyball all win at George Junior High! #ESED #CardinalNation

Farmington Sr High Cheer performed tonight at the NWA Naturals game in Springdale! #ESED #CardinalNation