In order to help address questions regarding the upcoming school year, FSD has compiled a list of FAQ’s for the upcoming school year. To view please visit bit.ly/FSDFAQ21.

In partnership with Walmart, FPS will whost the second COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for students, staff, and community members that received the first Pfizer dose on July 16. Please bring your vaccination card from the first clinic with you. The clinic will be held on the second floor of Cardinal Arena on Friday, August 6 from 8:00AM-11:00AM. #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Ms. Alecia Gutche to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Help us help by spreading the word about @FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit, which provides discounts to families struggling to stay connected during the pandemic. Learn more here: fcc.gov/broadbandbenef… #DigitalDivide #BroadbandForAll

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Mrs. Amanda Carter, her husband Josh, and son Brecken to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Ms. Megan Cowen to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Mark Your Calendars #CardinalNation! Join head coach JR Eldridge and the Cardinals each week for some Friday Night Fun! #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Ms. Hailey Hawks to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Online registration is now open for the annual Back to School Bonanza hosted by Farmington United Methodist Church.
The event wil take place Thursday, August 5th from 3PM to 7PM. Visit farmingtonumc.net to register. #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Mrs. Lindsay Masten and her husband Josh to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools would like to welcome Mrs. Emily Townsend-Pierce and her husband Josh to the Cardinal family! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Football 4th-6th grade camp today! Youth coaches and players working together with Farmington Public Schools Football Staff! #VVR # CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

Thank you to Farmington United Methodist and Farmington First for providing lunch to our new employees today! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Mr. Laffoon helps kick off our new teacher orientation. We are excited to welcome all of our new staff to Farmington! #cardstudentsareworthit

We are so excited to see you at Farmington Junior High Open House!

Williams and Folsom Elementary Parents-We look forward to seeing you at a meet and greet on Thursday, August 12th at your respective schools! Please see attached schedule! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Job Opening! Come work with the best students and staff around! We have an opening for Elementary Gifted and Talented! Visit https://www.farmcards.org/page/human-resources to apply! #Cardstudentsareworthit

It's almost football season! Get ready Farmington! #VVR #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

We would like to welcome home Mrs. Cassy Story! She will be the new assistant principal at Farmington Junior High! It is great to have you and your family back in #CardinalNation! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington golfers Rhett South and Clayton Antwine getting some tips from professional golfer Max McGreevy at the Highland Springs Golf Club in Springfield, MO! #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit