That’s a wrap! EASTcon21 is in the books and we had a blast!

Thank you B-ball teams, for the ice cream!

Thank you B-ball teams, for the ice cream!

Thank you B-ball teams, for the ice cream!

Our Cardinal ACE team won its 4th championship in a row! #4peat Congratulations to Mr. Williams and the students who lead our ACE team! To learn more visit bit.ly/FHSACE. #cardstudentsareworthit #cardinalnation

If you can’t make it to the state finals game you can watch it on AETN or at https://www.myarkansaspbs.org/watch .Tickets will be available at noon today at https://gofan.co/app/school/AAA! #CardinalNation

Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 3-19. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

This Mrs. Wing's class has been learning about some of Arkansas's state symbols. Today they learned that milk is Arkansas's state beverage/drink, so they had fun with a milk science experiment!

Back to School Bonanza!

This group is DRESSED FOR SUCCESS at #EASTcon21

Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 3-18. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit

#JPWEAST is going strong with Virtual EAST Conference, Day 1!

St Patrick's Day Green! #cardstudentsareworthit

Congratulations to the Farmington ACE team for bringing home another Championship! This year's team completed a 4-Peat! #cardstudentsareworthit

Basketball Fans- If you plan on attending Saturday's finals matchup in Hot Springs please read their security policy attached! Bank OZK Arena has a CLEAR BAG Policy. Here is the link... https://www.hotsprings.org/pages/bank-ozk-arena-security-policy/

St Patrick's Day Green!

Up-coming Junior High Volleyball parents & guardians!
We will be having a parent meeting April 11th @ 5:00pm in the Arena for the upcoming Junior High volleyball tryouts and season. If your child is interested in playing volleyball next year, they will need a physical before participating in open gyms and tryouts. We will review expectations and requirements for the upcoming Junior High volleyball season so please be in attendance at this meeting!

What a match! Cardinals defeat Berryville at home 3-1!

Farmington Jr High Track teams competed at Bentonville today! #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

Final at home, Berryville defeats the Lady Cardinals 3-0. #cardinalnation #cardstudentsareworthit