Mrs. Sutton's class is leaving videos of things they can’t live without on a snow day!

Inclement Weather Day
Farmington Public Schools will continue virtual learning Thursday, February 18th, due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions. Students please check Google Classroom or Buzz for assignments. Stay safe and warm! #cardstudentsareworthit

Sr Hi Basketball Update- The Girl's Sr Hi District game vs Shiloh will be played Monday, Feb 22nd, at 5:00 in Cardinal Arena. If they win they will advance to the Regional Tournament in Ozark. Our Sr Boy's have secured the over-all #1 seed to represent our conference in the Regional Tournament and will play Wednesday, Feb 24th in Ozark. #CardinalNation

FJHS houses approximately 600 students grades 7-9! It has a Public School Rating of "A"! FJHS is proud to offer a variety of elective courses that fit their students' needs! School choice deadline is May 1! Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3iid01X.

Random Acts of Kindness Week at Williams!

Jr Hi Basketball Update- games tomorrow night vs Bentonville have been canceled. Unfortunately none of these games will be made up and our season is over. Final conference standings will be released tomorrow. Congrats to both groups for a great season! #CardinalNation

Mrs. Melnicki's Kinders are learning virtually despite the freezing cold. Good Job!

Inclement Weather Day
Farmington Public Schools will continue virtual learning Wednesday, February 17th, due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions. Students please check Google Classroom or Buzz for assignments. Stay safe and warm! #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington offers both boy's and girl's soccer grades 9-12! School choice deadline is May 1st! Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3iid01X or at 42 South Double Springs, Farmington, 72730.

Celebrating Black History Month in Computer Science!

Our apologies- FPS will pivot to virtual learning tomorrow Feb 16th.

Farmington Public Schools are now accepting applications for students wishing to participate in the School Choice Program. Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3iid01X or at 42 South Double Springs, Farmington, 72730. #Cardstudentsareworthit

Basketball Fans- the district tournament has been postponed due to inclement weather and will resume on Thursday 2-18. That night the girls will play Shiloh Christian at Cardinal Arena at 6:00. The boys are scheduled to resume play on Friday. #CardinalNation

Basketball parents- the 9th grade games at Rogers tomorrow night have been postponed due to inclement weather. #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools will be closed Monday, Feb 15th in observation of Presidents' Day as noted on the district calendar. No classes will be in session virtually or in-person! Enjoy the day off! #cardstudentsareworthit

At Farmington we are committed to positively impacting the educational experience... our students are worth it! School choice deadline is May 1st! Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3iid01X or at the Ron Wright Administration Building. #Cardstudentsareworthit

The Jr and Sr Choirs are selling the Domino's card! For $10, you will receive a card that entitles you to buy one/get one free on large pizzas for the entire year! Visit https://slicethepricecard.com/34915 to purchase or see any choir member. Fundraiser ends Tuesday, 2-16!

Farmington High School offers Career Tech, TV Productions, Bio-Medical, and Pre-Engineering class options! They also offer Band, Drama, Choir, and Agri programs! School Choice deadline is May 1! Applications are available online at https://bit.ly/3iid01X. #cardstudentsareworthit

Important Announcement- Even with the cold weather we are experiencing, the Cardinal Food Pantry is still open! Pick up is at Ledbetter Cafeteria between 2:00 and 3:00 today! #cardstudentsareworthit

If your Middle School child needs a chromebook for virtual learning days please come by the Middle School today Friday the 12th from 8-1:30, to pick one up. Next week’s weather forecast looks like more winter weather and we want our students to have what they need.