Farmington High School is excited to announce that Abigail Norsworthy was selected to the 2020-21 Arkansas FFA State Officer Team! Abigail was chosen to serve as the Northwest District Vice President. #ourstudentsareworthit
The Farmington Community Blood Drive will be held Thursday, July 23rd. 1:00PM to 6:00PM at the Farmington Jr High School Commons. #ourstudentsareworthit
Congrats to softball player Cambre Strange for signing a National Letter of Intent to play at Eastern Oklahoma!!! #CardinalNation #ourstudentsareworthit
The Sports Physicals Clinic scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed. The new date will be announced once it has been determined.
If you don’t have our Farmington Public Schools App, just go to the App Store and search “Farmington Schools AR” and you can download it for free!
Farmington Schools is offering two options for the 2020-2021 school year. First is our on-site learning, which is a full 5-day week of on-site learning, following CDC guidelines for distancing and sanitizing. Next is the Farmington Virtual Academy, which is a 100% online option. For more information on both options you can see our website at
We are excited to introduce Farmington Virtual Academy! FVA is a K-12 100% online virtual academic program offered by Farmington Schools. More information about FVA can be found here: You can sign your student up for FVA using this form:
Farmington Public Schools has TWO back to school options to choose from! Full-time onsite learning or Farmington Virtual Academy. Survey on virtual learning to be released tomorrow. For more general information #ourstudentsareworthit #CardinalNation
New letters are up at Farmington Jr High School!!!! #CardinalNation
Good news! If you are having trouble signing your athlete up for Dragonflyy, help is on the way. There is now a Dragonflyy Academy for Parents. Just follow this link!
Farmington Sports Physicals for students entering grades 7-12 will be offered on Tuesday, July 21st, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at Cardinal Arena. Cost is $10. Students should wear a mask and social distance. Also, parents please make sure that your athlete's DragonFly account is active.
Farmington's annual Back to School Bonanza will be done Covid-19 style this year on Thursday, August 6th. Pre-registration will be required and the event will be limited to 200 families. More info and the link to register can be found here:
Due to COVID-19, this year's All Alumni Reunion scheduled for Saturday,
June 13th, 2020 has been cancelled. We hope to see everyone in 2021. If
you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact Norma Dickerson at
479-422-2046 or
We are so grateful for our exceptional teachers at Farmington. Thank you for your dedication, resilience, and determination for our students! You are appreciated!
See flyer at for more information about this Tyson Food give-away.