Congratulations to Trey Hill & Austin Rogers. Trey was Champion Senior Dairy Showman and is pictured with his Supreme Dairy Cow at the Washington County Fair. Austin was Champion Senior Beef Showman and exhibited the Supreme Champion Commercial Heifer Wednesday at the county fair. #FFA #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington High School
Student showing his milk cow
Student showing his Beef Cow
Farmington domination in the Dark Cross Market Hog drive. All five class winners are students in Farmington Public Schools: Chloe Mabry (10th), Wyatt Hunt (11th), Lizzie Mabry (8th), Lily Dismang (11th), and Harlie Mabry (4th). #FFA #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington High School
Students showing their hogs in an arena
The sun always shines on Cardinal Stadium! It’s game day! Gates open at 6:00. If you are over 65 or have preexisting health conditions please consider taking advantage of our online viewing option. Visit to watch! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Big week for Brihnlee Hunt at the Washington County Fair with her Supreme Champion Breeding gilt and Reserve Champion market hog. Also, a big congratulations to Brynna Drummond on her Best Junior Doe in the dairy goat show. #FFA #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington High School
Student at fair showing hog
Student at fair showing goat
School bus safety is important! Please make student safety your priority and if you see the Flashing Red Lights —STOP. #FlashingRedKidsAhead
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Golf topples Prairie Grove and Pea Ridge at Big Sugar Golf Course today! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Varsity Volleyball sweeps Gentry tonight 3-0! Then, afterwards, Mrs. Jamie Pair of FJHS helps sanitize balls to help keep students safe! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Jaime Pair
The board meeting tonight included honoring the 2019-20 4A Girls Basketball State Championship team and coaches. Congratulations!!! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
The tennis match today at University of the Ozark’s has been postponed to a later date due to inclement weather. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
FMS would like to thank the NWA NAACP for providing masks for our students. They partnered with local businesses to meet the need of area schools, thank you NWA NAACP! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Finally, Friday Night Lights is upon us at Cardinal Stadium! Tomorrow night vs Rogers Heritage! Game is at 7:00, gates open at 6:00. Wear your masks! Please watch this video for gameday attendance procedures! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
District COVID-19 Point of Contact Information. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19 exposure or quarantine please use this contact. Nurse Wallian: 479-368-3899 or #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
We honor our 2019-2020 Girl’s Basketball State Title Team at tomorrow night’s board meeting in the High School Commons! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Basketball Girls
Daily Events 8-27 & 8-28 #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Daily Events
Coach Feil wiping the recess equipment down after each grades recess getting it ready for the next day. Keeping it clean. #cardstudentsareworthit
Bob Folsom staff ensuring that students are safe while in the car pick-up line! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Mr. Williams Middle School Science class working today. Distanced properly and clear dividers between desks!!! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Class room
If you are a 9th Grade Volleyball parent planning on attending the game at Rogers High School tomorrow night, the only way to GUARANTEE a seat in the gym is to go online to and purchase an e-ticket. It will be under Rogers High School Volleyball. Make sure you choose the game vs Farmington. They said they will take cash at the door if there is room left. #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Congratulations to Coach Anna Johnson on her first career Jr High coaching victory!!! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Anna Johnson
Jr Girls Volleyball sweeps Springdale Lakeside 2-0 in the Middle School Gym!!! #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools