Williams principal, Mrs. Story, spent a whole school day as a 3rd grader, joining in all the usual activities such as classroom work, attending specials, having lunch in the cafeteria, and playing at recess. It looks like she and her "classmates" had a great day! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Story does classroom work with a student
Mrs. Story and 2 students on the playground equipment
Mrs. Story does classroom work with a student
Mrs. Story eating lunch with students
Mrs. Story and 2 students showing their art project
Mrs. Story and students smiling at the camera
A group of students play at recess with Mrs. Story
A student climbs playground equipment with Mrs. Story
A group of students pose with Mrs. Story on the playground
BINGO Night fun for students and their families! Many thanks to our awesome PTA for bringing it all together! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
PTA members at Bingo Night, posing for photo
Student holding up UNO prize at Bingo Night
A family playing BINGO at BINGO night
Mrs. Hopper and Mrs. Wood calling BINGO numbers
Mrs. Lewis and Ms. Sanders calling BINGO numbers
A student holding a BINGO prize
Ms. Clevenger working the computer at BINGO night
A student showing her winning BINGO card
Students looking at their BINGO cards
A group of girls at BINGO night, smiling for camera
Mrs. Melnicki’s kindergarten class played a game of Shake & Count. They are working on counting on a ten frame. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
2 students sit in the floor, playing Shake and Count
2 students play Shake and Count in the floor
2 students at a table, playing Shake and Count
2 students sitting at a table, playing Shake and Count
2 students sitting in the floor, playing Shake and Count
Mrs. Barber's kindergarten class learned the letter "I" and participated in a hands-on activity to reinforce their learning. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Kindergarten students sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten students sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at desk, working on a letter "I" worksheet
Kindergarten students sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at desk, working on a letter "I" worksheet
Kindergarten student sitting at tables, gluing marshmallows to make an igloo on paper
Kindergarten student sitting at desk, working on a letter "I" worksheet
Williams students enjoyed fudge pops today to celebrate how hard they worked during Istation testing! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
1st grade students sit on the ground in a line outside, eating fudge bars
1st grade students sit on the ground in a line outside, eating fudge bars
1st grade students sit on the ground in a line outside, eating fudge bars
1st grade students sit on the ground in a line outside, eating fudge bars
Kindergarten students sit on the ground in a line outside, eating fudge bars
Mrs. Story was the mystery reader in Mrs. Barber's class, where she read "The Giving Tree." #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Story poses with Mrs. Barber's class after reading them a book
Our students are proud of their food drive collection for the Farmington Food Pantry. Thank you to everyone in our community who donated! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students pose for a photo with the collection of food drive items
This morning, Mrs. Wood's 2nd grade class squeezed into Mrs. Story's office to sing the National Anthem. They sounded great! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Wood's class poses for a photo in Mrs. Story's office
Mrs. Story talks to students before they sing the National Anthem
#JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
4 frame image showing 3 student quotes about what they would do if they were a teacher for the day
Williams 1st graders enjoyed a fun and educational field trip to Apple Seeds Teaching Farm! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Phillips' class poses for a photo outside during their field trip
Students observe and learn about a plant during their field trip
students trying to squeeze juice from a lime above a blender
students adding spinach to a blender
a student drinking blended vegetables and fruit
A student close up, looking into the camera while drinking juice
students sitting outside with clipboards during their field trip
students raise their hands to answer a question
Feel free to bring food drive items throughout the entire week. Thank you for your generosity! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A Hunger Action Day Food Drive Poster
Donations needed list
Ms. Sanders’ class is working with snap cubes to build arrays and learn about multiplication! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Several students are around their desks, playing a multiplication game with blocks
Several students are around their desks, playing a multiplication game with blocks
Several students are around their desks, playing a multiplication game with blocks
Several students are around their desks, playing a multiplication game with blocks
In the school library, Kindergarten students are discovering how to locate and return books to their designated spots when they're finished. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A kindergarten student reads a book in the library.
2 kindergarten students reading books in the library.
A kindergarten student put a book back on the shelf in the library.
It's Spirit Day! Go Cards! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Gooch, her daughter, and Ms. Sanders pose for a photo wearing the same Cardinal shirt
A group of students pose with their Cardinal tattoos on Spirit Day
2 students dressed in Cardinal gear for Spirit Day
Sr. High cheerleaders and football players pose at Williams
During today's morning announcements, Mrs. Hopper's 2nd grade class beautifully sang the National Anthem. Mr. Cook is working with all classes to ensure they're ready to perform it at some point this year. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Hopper's class posing for a photo in Mrs. Story's office
Mrs. Hoppers class sings the National Anthem in Mrs. Story's office
Today, students at Williams Elementary practiced their bus safety skills. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Doug, Mr. Jason, and our dedicated team of bus drivers remain committed to student safety above all else. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mr. Campbell talks to a group of 1st graders about bus safety
Students line up outside of the bus
Ms. Tenison helps a student out the back door of a bus during a drill
Mrs. Drain talks to students on the bus
Mr. Jason watches students exit a bus
Students in line outside of a bus pose for the camera
A group poses with Mr. Bartholemew outside of the buses
Williams Elementary 3rd grader, Gracelynn Sallee, brought home even more awards last weekend. She competed at the National Junior Swine Association’s Southwest Regional show in Woodward, OK where she won Breed Champion Duroc Gilt and Reserve Breed Champion Landrace Gilt and was named Grand Champion Purebred Gilt Overall. Congratulations! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Gracelynn poses for a photo with her Grand Champion banner in Oklahoma
#JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
3 students in frames finishing the sentence "My favorite thing about 1st grade is..."
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary is Ella Butler! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Williams 3rd grade students will be using the computer lab this year for a variety of exciting educational activities. These include mastering coding skills with Scratch, crafting 3D designs through TinkerCAD and SketchUp, and engaging in creative graphic design projects using Adobe Express. It's going to be a fun experience for them! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A student with headphones on smiles at the camera in the computer lab
A student types on her keyboard during computer lab time
A student smiles at the camera in the computer lab
A student wearing a hat and headphones looks at her computer monitor
A student with headphones on smiles at the camera in the computer lab
2 students working together in the computer lab
A student wearing headphones looks up to smile for the camera in the computer lab
A student smiles at the camera in the computer lab.